The Tanzanian partner
Karatu Development Association
Karatu Development Association (KDA) is an NGO registered by the Ministry of Home Affairs in September 1991. KDA works throughout Karatu District and has offices based in Karatu town. KDA is a membership organisation formed to bring sustainable development in Karatu District.
KDA’s vision is to promote a self-reliant society arising through sustainable development efforts in Karatu District.
KDA’s mission is to facilitate development in Karatu District, by encouraging local people to increase their income, to improve their social services and to protect their environment, through raising of awareness, training and mobilization of resources, working with groups and individuals committed to development.
The objectives of KDA are grouped into three broad areas; micro-finance, environment and sustainable agriculture and support to social services
The specific objectives are;
Increasing the income of beneficiaries by diversifying production and linking producers to the market.
Promoting the production and sustainable use of energy and natural resources through environmental management, including gull erosion control and methods of sustainable agriculture.
Improving the success rate of income generating activities by providing training in financial and management skills, and through increasing the capital base of groups and individuals by encouraging saving and by providing loans.
Raising funds for the purpose of improving education and other social services.
Sharing development experience and avoiding the duplication of services to beneficiaries by networking with other actors in development.
Increasing women` s participation in development activities.
Raising awareness on a wide range of issues including gender issues and environmental protection.
Awareness rising to the community against HIV AIDS.
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making organ in KDA. The General Assembly, which includes full members of KDA, sits once a year to discuss and review KDA policies. The General Assembly elects a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and five member of the Executive Committee. KDA has a team of staff to implement its activities.